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The Graduate Program in Physiological Sciences (PROCFis) at UFS has a grade 4 rating from CAPES. We offer Master's and Doctoral courses in Physiological Sciences.

Our aim is to train professionals capable of conducting scientific and technological research in the broad field of Physiological Sciences, which encompasses the subareas of Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Pharmacology.

This training aims to provide these professionals with the skills necessary to enable graduates of the Program to work as professors, researchers, and supervisors of research projects involving undergraduate and graduate studies in higher education institutions. Additionally, they should be prepared to work in other productive sectors that involve experimental research in the areas covered by Physiological Sciences.


COORDINATION (from Dec 2022 to Dec 2024):
COORDINATIOR: Prof. Enilton Aparecido Camargo, PhD
DEPUTY COORDINATOR: Prof.Cristiane Bani Correa, PhD
SECRETARY: Letícia Caroline Teles Santos
Telephone number: +55 (79) 3194-6821 (Secretary)
E-mail: procfis@academico.ufs.br
Department of Physiology - DFS / CCBS / UFS
Marcelo Deda Chagas Av, s/n
Jardim Rosa Elze 
CEP 49107-230
Public attendance: From 7:00 am to 11:30 am and from 12:30 pm to 16h30 pm
Secretary of the Graduate Programm in Physiological Sciences- PROCFis / UFS
São Cristóvão/SE


Alternative Page

Program Coordination


    Telephone number: No available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: No available at this moment

    E-mail: enilton.camargo@gmail.com


    Telephone number: No available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: No available at this moment

    E-mail: crisbani@gmail.com

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