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About the Northeast Network of Biotechnology

Science, technology and innovation are essential factors for the development and competitiveness of a nation. Countries without scientific competence are not able to develop themselves, only based on their own technologies and innovations; therefore, they have to pay to use technology developed elsewhere. Over the past 20 years, Brazil has increased fourfold its scientific contribution to the world. Clearly, this fact is a result of the consolidation of postgraduate courses in the country, under the leadership of CAPES, since there is a straight connection between postgraduate studies and scientific production. However, Brazil still needs to increase its scientific contribution internationally. For such, it is propitious to stimulate the participation of young scientists in the postgraduate courses. More than an opportunity, stimulating the participation and insertion of Brazil in utilizing the advances of bioscience to reduce hunger and minimize serious public health problems, in particular the ones related to infant mortality is a mission of science.

Such advances cannot prescind Biotechnology, a relatively young branch of bioscience, whose full development depends on the elucidation of the main dogmas of biology, which demand high competence and excellence. Thus, training human resources with a solid scientific base to meet the demands of the academic sector, as well as of the business sector, aiming at technological development, is one of the main challenges to be overcome. The Competitiveness Forum on Biotechnology, established in 2004 by the Federal government, has identified demands for this professional and indicates big opportunities for them to be part in the growing biotechnology industry in Brazil.

RENORBIO program was designed under this perspective. Its scientific proposal is characterized, conceptually, by the studies of Biology, in a convergent way, relating biological species, genetically distant, by their gene’s functionality, assuming that utilizing advanced technology will allow the study of molecular basis which regulates gene functions and products of its expression, as well as the mechanism which relates them to plants, animals and microorganisms’ development biology. This is the most suitable approach in Biotechnology, given the international scenario.

Focusing on the Northeast, the idea is to establish and stimulate all professionals in the region, with competence in Biotechnology and related fields, to carry out projects of P&D&I that are very important to the development of the region, using the state of art in terms of tools and scientific competence for the development of these actions. It has as main pillars the Postgraduate Core and the constitution of platforms for P&D&I‘s projects.

It is expected, from the Program´s actions, that the Northeast region will gradually consolidate centres of excellence in Biotechnology, moving towards full usage of its resources. Also, Biotechnology industry in the Northeast can benefit from a cohesion act, resulting in a process of structures following global competitiveness patterns.


coordinator: Prof. Dr.  Waldecy de Lucca Junior (Cellphone: 79 9 8133 2474 / e-mail: wluccajr@academico.ufs.br)

Vice-coordinator: Prof. Dr. Charles dos Santos Estevam

Secretary: Brenda Nathsue Inácio Nunes


Concentration Area



Lines of Research:

Genetics and Transgenic








Germplasm Conservation and Multiplication






Lines of Research:

Bioprospecting, Biodiversity and Conservation




Purification, Characterization and Production of Biotechnological inputs in Heterologous Systems





Lines of Research:

Development of Prophylactic and Therapeutic Agents and Diagnostic Tests





Lines of Research:

› Bioprocess







Parte superior do formulário


Recognition and grade’s Document from CAPES 
› Course Details


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Coordenação do Programa


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    E-mail: gabrielsilva@academico.ufs.br


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    E-mail: cse.ufs@gmail.com

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