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Palestra do Prof. Richard Montgomery

Titulo: Two open problems in the N-body problem

Resumo: Albouy and Cabral compiled a list of open problems in celestial mechanics.

I will discuss motivation and progress around two of these problems:

1:  Can any syzygy sequence be realized by a periodic zero-angular momentum solution to

the planar three body problem?

2.  When I change the potential from 1/r to the strong-force  1/r^2

potential  in the equal mass N-body problem,

is the resulting 0 energy, 0-angular momentum flow  equivalent to geodesic flow on a hyperbolic manifold?


A palestra será as 10:30h na segunda dia 14 no auditório da ADUFS.

Notícia cadastrada em: 08/04/2014 11:25
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