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Convite - Palestra -Prof. Visitante Estrangeiro - Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero, PhD [Universidad Piloto - Ministério dos Transpostes, Colombia]

Convite - Palestra - Prof. Visitante Estrangeiro - Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero, PhD [Universidad Piloto - Ministério dos Transpostes, Colombia]

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação (PROCC) convida a toda a comunidade acadêmica a prestigiar a Palestra do Professor Visitante Estrangeiro, Dr. Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero, que atua no Ministério dos Transportes da Colômbia. A palestra ocorrerá na próxima quarta-feira (25/11), às 13:00h, no Auditório do novo prédio do Departamento de Computação. Segue resumo da palestra abaixo:


O que? Palestra: Talk about Smart Cities, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and Internet of Things (IoT)


Palestrante: Prof.  Visitante Estrangeiro -  Luis Felipe Herrera Quintero, PhD [Ministério dos Transpostes, Colombia]


Quando? 25/11, às 13:00h


Local: Auditório do novo prédio do DComp, ao lado do Centro de Vivência.


Resumo:  The forecast (world bank) related to the growth of world population tends to be around 9000 million to 2050 and most of the people will live in the cities or in conurbations, this means that, a new approach for support the development of the cities needs to be analyzed. Currently, the mankind has developed and produce a lot of technology advances and many of them are related to the Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In this way, ICT has become in a key element for the development of the cities, even, introduce the ICT concept in the context of the cities has provoked a new scope for the cities that is called Smart City or Digital City.  In this talk, it will be presented an approach for Colombian Smart Cities where have been taking in to account several experiences of  deployments  of  solutions in  the  field  of  Intelligent Transportation  Systems  (ITS)  taking  these  like  a  core  for several solutions for the inhabitants. In addition, government organization  is  presented  like  a  key  element  for  deploy solutions  in  the  context  of  Colombian  Cities  where  the  ICT solutions can be applied.


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Notícia cadastrada em: 20/11/2015 17:19
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