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Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research - Portugal

O   62 º Congresso Internacional e Encontro Anual da Sociedade de Plantas Medicinais e Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais, será realizado   de 31 agosto a 4 setembro de 2014, em Guimarães ( Universidade do Minho) em Portugal.

Por favor, visite a nossa página web para obter mais detalhes : http://ga2014.bio.uminho.pt/
GA é a maior sociedade científica Europeia neste domínio ( http://www.ga-online.org/ ) e um dos maiores do mundo na área de pesquisa de plantas medicinais , fitoterapia , alimentação e bioquímica produto natural. Esta conferência inclui , entre outros, os temas específicos :




The “62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA)” (GA2014), will take place from August 31st to September 4th, 2014, at Guimarães (University of Minho), Portugal.

Please visit our webpage for further details: http://ga2014.bio.uminho.pt/

GA is the largest European scientific society in this field (http://www.ga-online.org/) and one of the biggest worldwide in the field of medicinal plant research, phytotherapy, food and natural product biochemistry. This conference includes, among others, the specific topics:


Clinical phytomedicine

Nanotechnology and drug delivery

Natural compounds as leads

Natural products from fungi and algae

Nutritional phytochemicals

Medicinal plants and bioeconomy


Plant molecular farming


This conference will provide a platform for networking between academia and industry. This is an exceptional opportunity to show your research, clinical findings and practices in the various thematic sessions (or other more general topics), covering both basic and applied research.

Call for Abstracts:

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. All abstracts will be published in a special issue of Planta Medica Journal.

Important deadlines:

Abstract submission: May 15th, 2014

Early registration: May 15th, 2014

Travel Grant application: April 30th, 2014

Information of acceptance of abstracts: June 30th, 2014 at the latest.


See you at GA2014,

Alberto Dias,

Chair of GA2014

Dep. Biologia, Univ. Minho

Braga, Portugal.

Notícia cadastrada em: 29/04/2014 09:26
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