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The Postgraduate Program in Physics (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física -NPGFI) aims at providing sound and up-to-date training in subjects at the frontier of human knowledge, as it prepares graduates to work in higher education institutions, research institutes and technical departments of companies. The program was established in 1994 as a Master degree course, while the Ph.D. course was created in 2006. Its main lines of research are: Preparation and Characterization of Materials, Magnetism, Medical Physics, Statistical Physics, Advanced Ceramic Materials, and Computational Modeling.

Student admission selections are officially posted and held every six months.

The Master degree course (CAPES level 4.0) has a maximum duration of two years, during which students must achieve 18 mandatory education credits and 12 elective credits, as well as develop and defend a research project. In addition, the course requires passing a proficiency exam in English.

The Ph.D. course (CAPES level 4.0) has a maximum duration of four years. For a doctoral degree, the student must achieve 42 education credits (credits achieved during a Master degree program will be recognized), as well as develop and defend an original research project and publish at least one article in an indexed international journal. Doctoral degree candidates are required to pass the qualification exam and proficiency tests in English plus a second language of choice between Italian, Spanish, French, German or Russian.


August 2019 a July 2020







PPGFI Secretary

Álvaro Cardoso

e-mail: ppgfi@academico.ufs.br     telefone:  +55 (79) 31946631 


Departamento de Física - CCET
Cidade Universitária Prof. José Aloísio de Campos. 
Universidade Federal de Sergipe
Rod. Marechal Rondon s/n
Jardim Rosa Elze, São Cristóvão-SE 
Phone.: +55 79 3194-6631 Fax: +55 79 3194-6807 


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