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Contact: ppgcineufs@gmail.com
Location: 1st room of the Management Center, next to PRODEMA, in front of the Bank of Brazil, Living area, UFS - São Cristóvão (University City Prof. Aloísio de Campos)

The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Cinema (PPGCINE) currently offers an academic master's degree entitled Interdisciplinary Master in Film and Social Narratives, with a concentration area (cinema and social narratives) that encompasses two lines of research: (1) cinema , Language and aesthetic relationships; (2) cinema and contemporary narratives. This is a pioneering proposal in the Northeast, although the region offers a significant number of undergraduate courses in audiovisual. At the national level there are only three postgraduate courses in this area, all based in the state of São Paulo.
Its main objective is to offer academic training in the field of Human Sciences in its approaches to cinema, from interdisciplinary perspectives through dialogues between communication, social sciences, philosophy, psychology, religion, music, theater, education and others. Since 2009 the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) also has a degree in Audiovisual, which in 2016 becomes a Film and Audiovisual Course. Linked to the course and working since 2010, Cine Mais UFS (coordinated by Professor Ana Ângela Farias - PPGCINE / LAPPA) is a film club that works in partnership with the Culture Plus Program of the Ministry of Culture (Minc). The project exhibits Brazilian films (and other audiovisual productions, such as UFS students' works) weekly, and has already become a reference in the institution in terms of diffusion of national cinema with little space in the commercial rooms. The project also opens space for Sergipe filmmakers, whether they are UFS students or not, opening up a possibility for a meeting between directors and the public. Cine Mais UFS also encourages the potential of cinema at school, with partnerships with national initiatives, such as the Invent with Difference Project (Universidade Federal Fluminense / UFF and the National Secretariat of Human Rights).
Other projects at UFS have acted or act with cinema and education, such as "Cine Debate - Cinematographic text as information technology and communication applied to education", which worked between 2007 and 2009 through the NUCA - Technology / UFS, coordinated by Professor Lilian Cristina Monteiro França - NPGCINE. The project provided a discussion about the use of cinema in the classroom, audiovisual literacy of students and teachers, teacher qualification and the development of interdisciplinary strategies for the teaching / learning process.
Since 2010, the Center for Memory of Physical Education, Sports and Leisure (CEMEFEL) in Sergipe has been organizing an "Extension Seminar" every year. Its main focus is to articulate diverse cinematographic productions with cross-cutting themes such as sports, body and leisure , Mega events etc. Coordinated by Professor Hamilcar Silveira Dantas Junior (PPGCINE), the project is opening the way for students and teachers of Physical Education and other academic and professional areas to approach Cinema as a tool for reflection, understanding and social, political, cultural and economic criticism.
The extension project entitled "Corpo e Cinema do Ensino Médio" was held in 2014 at the Prof.ª Glorita Portugal State Collegiate, located in the Eduardo Gomes Set, in the city of São Cristóvão, with high school students. The project presented eight films, where issues related to the body assumed centrality. The initiative was led by Professors Fabio Zoboli (coordinator and member of PPGCINE) and Renato Izidoro da Silva (collaborator and member of PPGCINE).
On the campus of Itabaiana, the project "CineEducation: teacher training, images and film narratives on childhood" works, coordinated by Professor Marcos Ribeiro de Melo (PPGCINE). Description: The project involves students from the undergraduate programs of the Campus Prof. Alberto Carvalho and teachers from the Itabaiana public school in debates about images and film narratives about childhood, with the aim of problematizing the experiences of subalternization of children in our culture.
Another important recent activity in the area of ​​cinema, which had the lead PPGCINE itself, was the I Interdisciplinary Cycle in Cinema, currently in its second version, which gathered during the Academic Week of 2014 (September), teachers of the program (Hamilcar Silveira Dantas, Carlos Eduardo Japiassú, Maria Beatriz Colucci, Lilian Cristina Monteiro França and Fabio Zoboli) discussing five films on different themes and approaches. The event had an average of 90 people per exhibition and was constituted as a fundamental moment for the consolidation of the Interdisciplinary Nucleus in Cinema.

Course Objectives
- To promote interdisciplinary research and the improvement of the academic training of graduates from Humanities and related areas, from the perspective of Cinema as a way of thinking and interpreting contemporary society in its multiple aspects.
- To foster the interdisciplinary relationship between Cinema and academic formations in a wide spectrum - Communication, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Psychology, Letters, Music, Theater, Health area, etc.
- Promote research within the Postgraduate in Cinema through scientific production focused on the theme.
- Provide students with useful tools for the reflection and practice of Cinema through methodological strategies that prioritize the common interface between the areas involved.
- Encourage the construction of future Interdisciplinary Doctorate in Cinema.
Profile of the masters
Program graduates should be able to:
- To exercise critical reflection on the social processes that involve the cinema.
- Formulate innovative perspectives in the academic dialogue between the cinema and the other areas involved in the Program.
- Contribute in a concrete way to the maturation and development of the interdisciplinary perspective, especially in the Humanities and Social areas, with cinema as the primary mediator of this process.
- Produce scientific works of high academic excellence, with potential for empirical, methodological and theoretical innovation.
- Acting with institutions of higher education, research, public or private organizations, with special emphasis on the exercise of teaching.
Concentration area:
Cinema and social narratives
It comprises areas, fields and disciplines of study and actions, whose objects and investigative themes touch and are touched by the cinema in its interdisciplinary nature. It is delimited in cinema and social narratives - to the extent that cinematographic productions are conceived as works of art capable of reflecting, representing and signifying the societies from which they derive or about which they speak. The foundations of this proposition can be found in the classical and contemporary references of cinema, which point out the need for interdisciplinary articulations, such as philosophy, anthropology, communication, education, sociology, etc. Cinema, as an integrative reflection and action, demands knowledge, techniques, technologies, sciences, philosophies and arts from the most varied theoretical and methodological genealogies responsible for guiding the thinking and doing of its producers, spectators and critics. The interdisciplinary investigation can be located in different times and spaces of the cinematographic production: in its design, development, diffusion, diffusion, reception and criticism. Depending on content and form, filmmaking can evoke knowledge derived from conjectures and broken artifacts of psychological, anthropological, physical, chemical, and physiological experiences and cogitations, which, while disciplinarily distinct and amenable to analysis, in cinema stage cognitive and aesthetic syntheses Harmonic in their affections of awe, tenderness, terror, indignation, understanding, doubt, rupture, affirmation, realism, utopia in a dynamic creation of objective and subjective worlds capable of offering social, political, economic and cultural horizons. It aims to undertake research relevant to contemporary society in its ethnic, ethical, aesthetic, linguistic, artistic, sexual, ecological and territorial diversity, with special attention to the new cinematographic creations from national and international filmographies, constructors and diffusers of meanings and understandings of Modern life and its contradictory projects of society and government, marked by the presence of the National States, the bourgeoisie, the worker and other political-economic groupings, always expressed and experienced within confluences, conflicts and differences between human groups of the most varied Historical and cultural genealogies.
Research lines:
(1) Cinema, language and aesthetic relations
Its scope is the study of ideological and theoretical references that historically and epistemologically have been guiding cinema as a political and cultural field, as well as scientific and philosophical, in which are investigated and experienced artistic ways by which language and its audiovisual multimodalities are capable of Producing sensations, feelings, senses and subjective and intersubjective thoughts - private and public - from their objective conditions of production of aesthetic phenomena based on their contemporary structures of technology and society. The intention is to guide research that investigates the productive chain of cinema and its effective strategies in articulating ideology, theory and technology in the creation and recognition of representations and appropriate signs to imply in social groups feelings like laughter, crying, indignation, joy, sadness, fear Etc., As well as conservative or transformative volitions of nature and society.
(2) Contemporary cinema and narratives
It covers productions, studies and investigations about contemporary social phenomena related to the presence and performance of cinema in society. In the context of digital technology, it deals with productions, studies and investigations from the transformations of theoretical-methodological and political-economic conceptions related to idealization, production, distribution and film reception. In this way, it promotes recording and reflection on the different ways of experiencing, perceiving and re-signifying audiovisual content and formats - whose basis in terms of language is cinema. It contemplates a dialogue between previous and current tendencies of the cinematographic narratives, focusing on its transformation processes from investigations focused on the impacts of the new media on the audiovisual language, film analysis, means of production, management, diffusion and its complementary multimedia resources and Convergences as well as the implications arising from the use of mobile devices and their tools, aiming to encompass the entire productive chain of contemporary cinema. The scope also includes a reflection between the similarities, distinctions and interactions regarding the national and international commercial filmographies critical or not of modern society and those resulting from the appropriation of the cinema by quilombos, natives, without lands, without ceilings, residents of periphery and many others Non-hegemonic social groups that have been seeking new possibilities for the construction of identities through strategies of representation and signification.

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Program Coordination


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    E-mail: izidoro.ufs@gmail.com


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    E-mail: americobonfim@gmail.com

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