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Course offered: Doctorate in Teaching Year of creation: PhD approved by CAPES in July 2020.

Area of concentration: Teaching, curriculum and teaching-learning processes

Lines of research: I. Teaching, Curriculum and Culture and II. Pedagogical Practices in Teaching Science and Mathematics

CLUBS AND ASSOCIATES RENOEN has the initial proposal to work with 08 associated HEIs distributed in 08 CENTERS. One center at UFS, one at UFAL, one at UESB, one at UFRPE, one at UEPB, one center at IFCE, one center at IFRN and another at UFC. It is in the CENTERS that administrative and pedagogical activities are centered. The selection for entering the doctorate will consist of the following stages: registration, written test of knowledge in the area of Teaching, evaluation of the research project, proof of proficiency and project defense.

ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE GENERAL COORDINATION: UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SERGIPE - UFS (UFS) - General Coordinator of RENOEN: Prof. Edson José Wartha and Deputy Coordinator: Prof. Elton Married Fireman. ejwartha@academico.ufs.br / elton@cedu.ufal.br


CENTER 01: Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) - UFAL Hub Coordinator: Prof. Elton Casado Fireman and vice-coordinator: Prof. Wilmo Ernesto Francisco Junior.

CENTER 02: Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) - Coordinator of the UFRPE Center: Profa. Verônica Batinga and vice-coordinator: Profa. Ana Maria Carneiro Leão.

CENTER 03: Federal University of Ceará (UFC) - UFC/IFCE Hub Coordinator: Profa. Maria Goretti Silva and deputy coordinator: Carlos Alberto Santos de Almeida.

CENTER 04: State University of Paraíba (UEPB) - UEPB Hub Coordinator: Prof. Silvânio Andrade and vice-coordinator: Profa. Marcia Adelino da Silva Dias.

CENTER 05: State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB) - UESB Hub Coordinator: Prof. Benedito G. Eugênio and vice-coordinator: Profa. Tânia Cristina R. Silva Gusmão.

CENTER 06: Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) - UFS Hub Coordinator: Prof. Edson José Wartha and vice-coordinator: Profa. Divanizia do Nascimento Souza

CENTER 07: Federal Institute of Ceará (IFCE) - Coordinator: Prof. doctor Francisco Regis Viera Alves and vice-coordinator Prof. doctor Sandro Juca.

CENTER 08: Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) - Coordinator: Prof. doctor Albino de Oliveira Nunes and vice-coordinator: profa. Dr. Veronica Maria de Araujo Pontes

Course objectives:

- Provide theoretical and practical enrichment related to the teaching of science and mathematics that impacts various social actors;

- Discuss and develop pedagogical practices in formal and non-formal spaces in order to stimulate educational autonomy and the transformation of educational processes;

- Develop and evaluate methodologies and teaching materials for teaching science and mathematics;

- Reflect on the role of science and mathematics in positively changing the historical, social, cultural and environmental context of the region;

- Foster, based on natural sciences and mathematics, critical thinking that contributes to understanding cultural diversity and modifying current social inequalities;

- Contribute to the theoretical-methodological advancement of research and teaching of science and mathematics in tune with the needs of the region;

- Collaborate in the dissemination of science, mathematics and their technologies as a culture and right for all.

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Program Coordination


    Telephone number: +55 79 3194/7602

    Telephone number 2: No available at this moment

    E-mail: renoen@academico.ufs.br


    Telephone number: No available at this moment

    Telephone number 2: No available at this moment

    E-mail: attiejp@gmail.com

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